May 18, 2014

There has been much happening in the K/1 classroom.....

The children have been engaged in many activities and enjoying rich learning in many areas of the curriculum. In Language Arts the children have been immersed in the study of Mexico and the Sonoran Desert.  They began by observing the cultural side of Mexico in many pictures and books. After a lot reading and discussions, the children drew pictures and wrote about their favorite things about Mexico.  Some chose to draw and write about ancient cultures, including pyramids.  Others drew and wrote about Mexican dancers and musicians.  They enjoyed drawing and writing about El Mercado, and much more.  Next week they will be focusing more on researching the Sonoran Desert. The children have also spent time in the outdoors making observational drawings of the gardens.

In Science the children pulled weeds, prepared the soil, and planted seeds in the gardens outside our classroom. Also they began to learn about desert climate and compare it to the climate in New York State.  They set up an experiment to observe plants growing in a desert climate, and plants growing in the climate they are familiar with - NY State.

In First Grade Math the children completed their study on measuring.  They measured objects using various units of measurement and making comparisons. The children also reviewed many concepts they learned during the year, as they completed review sheets from their workbooks. Next week they will begin to weave. 

Everyone will be weaving next week.  The kindergartners have been practicing their weaving in math class, and are now ready to join the "expert" first grade weavers. 

A rich collection of books and 
pictures of Mexico

Lots of drawing and writing about Mexico!

Observational drawings in the gardens

A goose! Our school neighbor was so happy to share a goose from his farm.

Pulling weeds!


Setting up our experiment

How will the plants grow in desert soil, and how will they grow in NY State soil?

Until next time, Liliana

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