Jan 29, 2012

Mathematicians, Scientists, and Poets

This month our First Grade Mathematicians explored base ten blocks.  They worked in pairs and created posters of the number 2012.  Recently we began a unit in geometry.  The first graders are investigating 2-D and 3-D shapes.  We began by taking a hike in the woods looking for shapes.

Check out Kindergarten Math on http://www.kmathematicians.blogspot.com/

Our K-1 scientists have been exploring snowflakes - how they are formed and all about their shapes.  A discussion about what happens when snow crystals begin to melt, led to the question "what makes up water?" Kate explained the meaning of H2O to the children.

In Language Arts the K/1s are continuing their author study of Jan Brett.  They wrote "winter poems," drew pictures to go with their poems, and are writing "winter stories."  The children are having fun drawing borders for their winter stories.  Next week we will begin our study of Birds of the Northeast!

"So many hundreds to make two thousand!"

Counting tens and cutting out hundreds

preparing to count hundreds to make thousands

We love this shape - so cool!

"Look at this shape!"

the shape of a leaf?

This is one of many shapes the children found on our hike.

So many shapes!
exploring pattern blocks and how they fit together

filling in a space with pattern blocks takes a lot of thinking

counting, recording how many of each shape, and figuring out a total of all shapes used to make a  specific design

copying a design takes a lot focus

exploring ice cubes

What falls faster a drop of water or a snowflake?

coming together to discuss our findings

interesting!  I wonder.............

making an observational drawing of a snowflake takes a lot thinking 

did I draw six sides?

amazing crystal!

snowflakes are so beautiful!

and each snowflake is different

Jan 22, 2012


The last two weeks have been very busy with lots of exciting activities.  One activity the K/1s enjoyed immensely was a visit by Dr. Russ.  The children learned so much and were so motivated by Dr. Russ! After the visit, at play time, they all chose to play doctor as the photos show.  Because there are so many "doctor" photos and they are all wonderful, I thought I post them all.

I will make new posts of other activities during the week.

Taking notes on  patients
consulting about a patient

more notes

Have a great week, Liliana