Mar 16, 2012

Bird Watching, Feathers, Beaks, and Philosophy - What's Real?

It was a beautiful sunny day when the K/1's went bird watching.  Because they walked quietly, they were able to hear and see birds.  They saw nests too! In Science class the children learned about bird beaks.  They pretended to be birds as they used different tools to pick up seeds.  They used spoons, clothes pins, tweezers, and tooth picks.  They were given a couple of minutes to see how many lentil seeds they could pick up with each tool.  The children recorded their findings on a data sheet.

In language arts class the children studied bird feathers then made observational drawings, and wrote comments.

The mom of one of our kindergartners visited to do a lesson on philosophy - What is Real? was the big question!  She read Harold and the Purple Crayon.  There were discussions around the question:  How do we know if something is real? Also the children got to draw their own world and share with the class.  Thank you Kristen and Helen!


Different kinds of bird beaks.

using a spoon to pick up seeds

counting the seeds

This is not easy!

Not tooth picks!!!!!

I almost got one!

Sharing data sheet and  discussion!

What is real?

Our own worlds!

It's fun to imagine and draw our own world!

Sharing our world!

It's Friday afternoon and I'm sitting in the classroom enjoying student-led conferences.  It's so wonderful to see the children share their work with confidence and joy.  During the week the children chose work to share.  They enjoyed reflecting, remembering, and wondering about sharing with their families.

Have a happy week everyone!

Mar 11, 2012

How Strong is an Egg? Skeletons of 3-D shapes and more.........

Enjoy the photos!

How many pounds of books will it take to break the eggs?

Did they crack?

Let's try another heavy book!

We heard the eggs crack!!!

Waiting to see!

Wow!  It took 31lbs of books to crack one egg.
There were discussions about the how and the why of only one egg cracking.

First Grade Mathematicians exploring 3-D shapes

Our visitor from Spain was quite impressed by the children's knowledge
of all kinds of shapes.

I'm building skeletons of polygons and attaching them together to make polyhedra.

This is fun!

I love to build!

We have the time to explore, build, create, make, and re-make!
This makes me very happy!

Mar 4, 2012

Recent Happenings

The K/1's enjoyed a special visit from Michelle, RDH, and Ansley from the orthodontic office of Dr. Cooney.  The program for the class was designed with emphasis on dental health, what happens at dental appointments, and class participation.  The children discussed the importance of healthy foods, brushing and flossing.  They had fun practicing wth the help of a puppet.  It was such a fun time!  Thank you Michelle and Ansley!

Read Across America Day was filled with magic.  The children enjoyed a puppet show with Grian, stories by Kent, music by George, author Sylvie Wickstrom Kantorovitz, and a very colorful parade.

In science and language arts class the K/1's are continuing to learn about birds.  They are exploring eggs and how they camouflage.  What's in an egg? What are the parts of an egg?  Rebecca helped the children role play what a specific part of an egg does.

Getting all the parts of an egg ready for role-play!

Here we are all the parts of an egg - germination, yolk, chalaza, albumen, and shell.

Madeline sharing about seahorses - she wrote to Project Seahorse
 expressing her love and interest in seahorses.

Madeline received lots of information from Project Seahorse

Madeline shared lots of interesting facts about seahorses.
Project Seahorse vision is a world in which marine ecosystems
are healthy and well-managed.