Mar 30, 2014


The K/1s are continuing to study birds of the northeast.....

We continue to learn about birds and gather facts.  We read and discussed several books about birds in Language Arts.  Also in language arts the children made observational drawings of feathers and nests.  While the children wrote comments on their observational drawings, they received support with phonics, according to needs.  The children also brainstormed about what they know about birds, and their words were recorded on chart paper.  During language arts and projects the children created colorful bird collages.  The collages and bird facts we have been gathering will be posted in the classroom, along with observational drawings.

In Science the children are learning about wings - wing span, flight....Also they took a closer look at feathers with magnifying tools, and recorded their findings.

The children enjoyed a bit of relaxing time listening to Laurel's dad read to them last Friday.  Laurel also read to her friends, and her little brother shared a book, too.  Also on Friday, Payton's mom read to the K/1s.

Morning Messages

Have a peaceful week everyone!

Mar 23, 2014

Birds and Robots



The K/1s are studying birds of the Northeast.  We began in language arts a couple of weeks ago by borrowing books from our library, and by watching a video about bird migration. We have been reading about bird habitats, nests, eggs, etc. We have been listening to the beautiful sounds of bird calls.  The children were shown colorful photos of birds and everyone got to choose a bird, to study. Last Thursday the children began to study birds in science class,as well (there will be photos in the next post).

This post includes only photos of our visitor, Kate's grandma Heidi, sharing her knowledge of birds with the K/1s. The children loved hearing a Native American story about how birds got their feathers. Heidi asked questions, answered questions, and talked about bird's feathers, weight, nests, eggs......She brought lots of interesting bird treasures for the children to observe.  Thank you Heidi!

The post also includes photos of a special "Robot Science Class."  Last Tuesday, Shelli, our 5-8 math teacher, visited the K/1's with a special surprise.  Shelli worked with the children and our Lego Robots to test motion. Working in small groups the children experimented with stronger and weaker forces, carpets verses floors, and ball placement.  They learned how to run the robots and shared their results with the class. In the process, there was lots of enthusiasm, curiosity, and questions. Thank you Shelli!

The last two photos show children writing the morning message.  I wrote about this activity in a recent post.

There were more happenings in our busy K/1 classroom, and will be shared in the next post.

Bird bones

Colorful feathers

So interesting! All these bird treasures!

A humming bird... 

An interesting bird book

An album of bird photos

A Downy Woodpecker's nest

A bird puzzle

Bird watching

A nest

Listening to bird calls...


Morning message

Until next time, Liliana