Sep 23, 2012

K-1 Happenings Highlights of the Week

Our First Grade Mathematicians enjoyed playing the game "Collect Twenty Together."  They played with partners, taking turns, helping each other keep track of counting, adding, and practicing counting on from a given number.  The children also practiced these skills in whole group lessons and individually.  Grouping and sorting took a different dimension when the children were encouraged to observed these characteristics around the classroom - how and why blocks are sorted, why materials are organized on shelves, etc.  The children also shared how they might organize things at home in their rooms - sorting and grouping in given areas as opposed to throwing things under the bed or a closet just to get them out of the way.  The conversation the children notice how math is used in their world(s). Check out the Kindergarten Math Blog by Michele

A beautiful Monarch butterfly hatched from our chrysalis.  During morning meeting the children observed, in silence, the butterfly opening and closing its wings to dry them.  They made observational drawings of the butterfly and participated, with excitement, in releasing it in the Butterfly Garden.

Community Circle - the children dressed paper people to represent themselves on the K-1 Community Circle.  We read books and discussed how we are different and how we are alike.  The children also worked in pairs to describe each other's facial features - hair color, eyes, etc.

Change - we began a conversation about change all around us.  The children began by brainstorming what change means to them.  These are some of their contributions in the children's own words:
changing from school to school
little kids change into big kids
changing jobs - my chores at home
leaves change color
new stuff in the classroom like the posters (a returning student's observation)
changing from caterpillar to butterfly
seasons change
home days to school days
changing things
necklaces go to different people
some lizards change color
construction things change into buildings

After the brainstorm we read Change: A Story for All Ages by Judith Barnes and Erick James. The children enjoyed discussing the book and it has now become a favorite.  We will continue studying "change" as we move into the fall season.

The Muddy Boots Club this week was about noticing changes in nature.

Enjoy the photos!

Have a peaceful week, Liliana

Sep 17, 2012


The first full week of school was FULL of happy happenings! Here are just a few highlights of a busy week.

We have been observing our Monarch Chrysalis

We learned about the life cycle of the Monarch butterfly, and made
little books about it.
We made drawings of the chrysalis and wrote about it. 

We have fun observing our frogs.  We learned about the life cycle of frogs  also.

During Science class we planted seeds in the gardens outside our classroom windows.
We hope to harvest radishes and spinach sometime in the fall.

We have a bird feeder!  We filled it with seeds for the first time.

The very next day a bird came to our feeder.  How exciting!

Out by the creek looking for frogs during science class.  I think I see one!


Adults are having fun along with the kids!  Meg found a frog!

We hear a woodpecker!  There it is!

The woods and kids - what a perfect match!

Look what we made at free choice time!

We love free choice time!

Friday we spent a bit of time out with our middle school buddies.

It's the Muddy Boots Club out in the woods writing and making observational drawings.

Look under this rock!  It's a leech? A slug?

The Muddy Boots club is truly magical.  The K/1's and 2/3's are building friendships while respecting
each other's way of being.  The older kids feel empowered  by the many opportunities to offer support and guidance
 to younger members of the club. The younger kids feel empowered by being
valued and accepted.  It's only the beginning!  I'm sure there will be bumps on the road and with the bumps opportunities
for growth in all areas, as the children experience the outdoors together.

Until next time - have a peaceful week,