Highlights of the Last Two Weeks - Happiness Bucket, Learning to spin on a drop spindle, Animal Research, and First Grade Math

Annabel's mom was a guest reader.
She read this book.

The "invisible" bucket can be filled with acts of kindness, and all kinds of good behavior
that makes everyone happy.

Susie brought lots of stickers for the kids. The
stickers represent "good things" for filling the "Happiness Bucket."

The children enjoyed the activity immensely!
Everyone was engaged and having fun filling his/her bucket.

Joselle, a friend of Liliana, visited three times to teach the children where clothes come from - the natural fabrics. The first time Joselle visited
she showed pictures of animals that produce wool. Also she showed the children clothing she
made from spinning her own wool.
On her second visit, Joselle, showed the children
how to prepare wool for spinning.

Separate fibers and pick out debris!
Wash the wool, rinse, wash again and rinse. Blot and air dry.

Card the wool - disentangle

Gently roll the wool off the card, and now
it's ready for spinning.

Spinning on a drop spindle!
On her third visit, Joselle brought yarn ready for spinning.

Joselle's husband made drop spindles for each child.

Joselle is preparing the spindles for the children.
The children are now spinning!

The children discover the challenge of keeping the spindle
And also experience success.

The First Grade mathematicians representing
numbers with the tens and ones blocks.

We began a unity in Geometry by finding
different shapes in the classroom and creating a book about them.
These children are filling in a space to make a design using a specific amount of shapes, or filling in an outline. The children keep track of the pattern block shapes they use- how many of each. They add them all up to get a total of shapes used.
It is a challenging task but brings great satisfaction.

The K/1's began their animal research with the help of their middle school buddies.
Until next time,
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