Jan 21, 2013

Awakening Genius in Every Child

"Every student is a genius" declares Thomas Armstrong, author of Awakening Genius in the Classroom.  According to Armstrong the meaning of genius includes 12 basic qualities:  "curiosity, playfulness, imagination, creativity, wonder, wisdom, inventiveness, vitality, sensitivity, flexibility, humor, and joy."

These are exactly the qualities that are recognized, valued, and awakened every day in every child in the K/1 classroom, and every classroom in the school.

Armstrong explains how certain influences in school "shut down" the genius in children.  For example, this is what Armstrong has to say about the extensive use of worksheets:  "Students spend their time filling in the blanks, circling the right item, drawing arrows from the apple to the A, and solving row after row of math problems instead of being curious, creative, or inventive with regard to the real world.  Some children may go through an entire year of schooling filling out more than a thousand of these forms and bringing them home to parents who believe that worksheets represent meaningful learning experiences.  Worksheets have nothing to do with genius, No genius ever attributed his or her success to a worksheet.  No museum contains examples of great worksheets.  These are bureaucratic devices that fit in well with an assembly-line model of education but do nothing to inspire, awaken, or enliven the genius of children or adolescents.  No student has ever come back to a teacher after 30 years and said, "You were the teacher who changed my life! Ever since you showed me that worksheets with the A on one side and the apple on the other, my life has never been the same!" More likely, students' lives were changed for the worse when they came to school and discovered that the vitality of life had been reduced to an 8 1/2 X 11 inch piece of paper with specific commands printed on it.  They find that their life has been changed for the worse by the message:  There's no real work for geniuses in this place (see Smith 1986)."

This is the time of the year when parents make decisions about the "right" school for their children.  Please tell others about our wonderful school and invite them to our February open house.  I am very passionate about this school because it gives me the freedom and support needed to help awaken genius in my classroom.

Enjoy the photos of our young geniuses!

Have a great week,

After reading Sir Cumference and the Dragon of Pi  the first grade mathematicians tested  the interesting number of Pi on circular objects.  The "Pi" adventure will continue...........mainly because of the children's high interest, curiosity, and hunger for discovery.

More ways to make shapes.  See last post for other ways.

Creativity, imagination, and inventiveness in the Block Center

Making crystals in science class


While looking for ice crystals, we found animal tracks too!

Writing the morning message is a meaningful writing experience.  Sharing it with the class is an exercise in self-confidence, public speaking, awareness of audience, and just plain fun! 

Fun in the snow!

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