The children presented their research on Mexico and the Sonoran Desert. They were very proud of the "big" books they made. Topics included: animals of the Sonoran Desert, the Saguaro cactus and other cacti, pyramids, celebrations such as El Dia de los Muertos, Mexican dancers, and volcanoes. The children's yarn weaving was displayed. Also on display were the Amate paintings the children made in Art class, as well as paper weaving depicting the colors of the Mexican flag. Part of the classroom was turned into the Sonoran Desert with big Saguaro cacti the children made in Art.
The children also presented their research of Birds of the Northeast. Their impressive little books depicted research on parts of a bird - wings, beak, nest, eggs, habitat (of 17 different birds). On display were the children's observational drawings of feathers, detailed drawings of birds, and paper Mache birds they made in Art class.
Both projects - Mexico and the Sonoran Desert; Birds of the Northeast - were integrated units of study. All areas of the curriculum were enriched by these fun projects, and children's learning flourished. Motivation, curiosity, exploration, wondering and questioning, creativity, and enthusiasm arose naturally, as the children studied topics of their choice.
It's always so rewarding to observe that once children are allowed to choose a topic within a large unit of study, magic begins to happen and the classroom becomes charged with creative-learning energy. There is power in individual choice and community sharing. In this type of environment (at Robert C. Parker) a child not only learns from his/her topic of choice but others' topics of choice as well.
Zoe and I had fun with the children as we prepared for the Show of Work. Wow!
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Enough with my brother's Show of Work! Were are the toys? |