Language Arts Visitors
Language Arts - The K/1's engaged in various language arts activities these past few weeks. They spent some time in the library drawing pictures and writing notes of appreciation to Peg Parker, the founder of our beautiful library. The library is celebrating its 15th anniversary this year. Thank you Peg! Words cannot describe how much we value our library. As a teacher, I don't know what I would do without it. I use it all the time with the K/1's. The children love it and look forward to their time in the library for story with Carol, signing out books, research, and free time just enjoying books. The K/1's are book worms!
The children harvested the radishes in the gardens outside our windows. We had lots of fun pulling the radishes out of the frozen soil, but we were not able to eat them because they were frozen. We saved them from the frost a couple of times, but this one time the frost won.
We made observational drawings and wrote comments of items in the Science Center such as pine cones, seeds, dried plants, grains, rocks, and our frogs. The children also made picture books and story books. They read books and filled in response sheets - drawings pictures and writing about a favorite part of a book.
Visitors - Willow's mom read about and talked to the children about a baby's different stages of growth in the womb - What's Inside Your Tummy Mommy? by Abby Cocovini. The children also got to feel the baby moving in her tummy. It was all very fun for the children. The children also connected this learning to their learning of the life cycles of butterflies and frogs.
Liam G.'s mom read The Year at a Maple Hill Farm discussing the farm through the months. The children enjoyed the animals in the book and enjoyed making connections to all they have been learning about farms.
Nathaniel's mom read A Seed Is Sleepy by Dianna Hutts Atson, From Seed to Plant by Gail Gibson, and Grandpa's Garden by Stella Fry. The children enjoyed discussing the books and making connections to what they have been learning this fall about seeds, plants, and gardens.
We are taking a break to watch a bird at our bird feeder. |
What is more beautiful the observer or the observed? Or is it just beauty. BEAUTY all around us!